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Talent management: check out these 5 best practices

Talent management: check out these 5 best practices

We all know that talent is a valuable and profitable resource. Talent is not only about a specific skill set, but also includes intelligence, performance, disposition and creativity, and the level of success an individual possesses or is capable of achieving in a particular area.    Being talented is easy, but nurturing it and ensuring […]

1 de March, 2022
What does human resources do for companies? What are its key responsibilities?

What does human resources do for companies? What are its key responsibilities?

Not everyone in the organization understands the importance of Human Resources (HR), and it might be confusing for workers sometimes. So what does HR do? There is a big difference between a good HR department that contributes to the growth of the organization and a distant HR department which exists somewhere near the basement archives […]

24 de February, 2022
What is workers’ comp insurance?

What is workers’ comp insurance?

Basically, workers’ compensation insurance is a coverage that pays for employees’ medical expenses and a part of lost pay after work-related injuries. In the United States, most states require some form of workers’ comp insurance for organizations with employees. These organizations include small and medium enterprises.   Each state is in charge of its own […]

17 de February, 2022
Is addressing mental health issues part of your company strategy?

Is addressing mental health issues part of your company strategy?

People may have lost loved ones. Also, they may have lost contact with friends and family in the past two years. Further, their social lives may have been affected. The pandemic has also imposed a set of stress on workers. They feel the risk of losing their position. Moreover, adjusting to working from home and […]

15 de February, 2022
What is a co-employment agreement?

What is a co-employment agreement?

Improving operational efficiencies, minimizing organizational risks and strengthening talent are key for employers. But, achieving them might require a co-employment relationship with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO).   Co-employment partnerships with a PEO are unique relationships in the business environment. This kind of relationship can sometimes bring confusion, especially when swapped with other terms such […]

10 de February, 2022
PEO benefits: how do PEOs operate?

PEO benefits: how do PEOs operate?

If you are asking yourself about the Professional Employer Organization (PEO) benefits you can leverage today for your company, it would be worth reading this entire article. The PEO usually counts on HR, payroll, legal and tax experts to partner with different businesses to minimize administrative costs, to improve payroll operations management and to help […]

7 de February, 2022
At home employees: how to help them reach their goals?

At home employees: how to help them reach their goals?

Want to help at home employees? First of all, we need to understand that working from home or working remotely continues to grow around the world, more than ever before because of the last two years of the pandemic. It has employers thinking about new operational processes, some of them for the first time. We […]

29 de January, 2022
4 benefits of continuous learning at work

4 benefits of continuous learning at work

Nowadays employers strive to increase the value of their team, because they understand it is important for the workforce to expand their skill set and their knowledge, and also because it is an effective way to boost your turnover and minimize company’s operational costs.    We all know the competitive market we´re living in today, […]

25 de January, 2022
Managing remote teams: start doing 5 key activities

Managing remote teams: start doing 5 key activities

The amount of companies and organizations building or managing remote teams It’s been increasing a lot the last few years, and something is clear, with pandemics or without it, remote work is going to be present in companies that have physical offices as well.   To lead a remote team managers may discover they need […]

22 de January, 2022
4 essential aspects of inclusion in the workplace

4 essential aspects of inclusion in the workplace

Business owners know that inclusion in the workplace is important and essential In order to have a healthy environment within the company, and also to make diversity programs and all initiatives related to this subject 100% successful.   On the other hand, Inclusion is extremely important for organizations looking to build a strong sense of […]

10 de January, 2022
Workplace safety: 5 tips everyone should take into account

Workplace safety: 5 tips everyone should take into account

Nowadays it is common to come across sudden and unexpected cases of accidents and casualties that can occur anywhere, altering the course of the lives of particular persons as well as groups too. We all know that workers who don’t care about the rest of the people around them are considered irresponsible and negligent.    […]

6 de January, 2022
HR audit: What is it? Why is it important?

HR audit: What is it? Why is it important?

It doesn’t matter how many employees are part of your organization today, there’s always a time when you have to deal with difficulties or issues in human resources. From company policies to benefit packages, job descriptions, wages and salaries, everything that’s associated with your employees must be included in the HR management.   Especifically, an […]

3 de January, 2022
Why is it important to have a great Job description to attract top talent?

Why is it important to have a great Job description to attract top talent?

If you are trying to fill an open position in your company, one thing you need to pay attention to is the job description, because if it is effective it can make a huge difference when it comes to attracting high quality talent to your organization.   On the other hand, one of the easiest […]

30 de December, 2021
What is company culture and why is it important?

What is company culture and why is it important?

Basically, we can define company culture as the shared values, attributes and characteristics of any organization. It’s referred to the behaviors and attributes of the people within a company, and it makes it self evident when we can observe people interacting with each other, the values they hold and consider important and also the kind […]

28 de December, 2021
5 ways to increase employee retention in your organizations

5 ways to increase employee retention in your organizations

Do you want your employees to stick around? It’s clear your employees are a valuable investment for your company, and for the future of your organization as well, so something you need to know as a business owner is that employee retention is often harder than hiring them. Hiring the right people and keeping them […]

23 de December, 2021
PEO solutions help you with workers compensation

PEO solutions help you with workers compensation

Let’s start defining what’s Workers’ compensation insurance, often called “workers comp,” and this is a state-mandated program consisting of payments required by law to be made to an employee who is injured or disabled while on duties.   The federal government does offer its own workers’ compensation insurance for federal employees, but every state has […]

21 de December, 2021
PEO payroll services: which one is the best for your company?

PEO payroll services: which one is the best for your company?

If you’re considering outsourcing PEO payroll services to increase accuracy, reduce your administrative amount of tasks, and free up your HR team to focus on different activities, this is a good idea, but unless you choose the appropriate alternative for outsourcing, you’re not going to be able to see the whole benefits of it. What […]

8 de December, 2021
Do HR professionals include risk management as part of their activities?

Do HR professionals include risk management as part of their activities?

Human resource professionals include risk management as one of their main tasks and it is actually one of the most important subjects for them, among other activities, since organizations have an obligation to attend to the safety and also the well being of every worker, besides it is a moral obligation to care.   Organizations […]

4 de December, 2021
US mandates vaccines or tests for big companies by January 2022

US mandates vaccines or tests for big companies by January 2022

Millions of Americans who work at companies with 100 or more employees will need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Jan. 4 or get tested for the virus weekly under government rules that took effect recently.   Those new requirements will apply to about 84 million workers at medium and large businesses. It’s not totally […]

29 de November, 2021
Employee perks: The benefits in a post pandemic world

Employee perks: The benefits in a post pandemic world

Company owners know that just salary is not enough to retain and attract the best talent nowadays. Employee experience is relevant, and organizations should not only focus on clients, because paying attention to benefits and perks our team receives is going to be positive for the whole business health.    Today employers and HR professionals […]

25 de November, 2021
Payroll processing: 4 things HR managers need to apply

Payroll processing: 4 things HR managers need to apply

It doesn’t matter the type of industry your business is operating in, there’s one thing every organization should do and it is to process payroll the right way for their employees. One thing you need to know is that payroll processing it’s going to be a little bit different between companies, because it depends on […]

20 de November, 2021
What are work related injuries?

What are work related injuries?

Sometimes people doubt when they have work related accidents, so the main idea in this article is to clarify and define this concept in order to help you understand what kind of situations you can name a work related injury.   What are work related injuries? We can define them as any injury, illness, or […]

12 de November, 2021
Business needs: customs solutions Midtown HR can offer to your company

Business needs: customs solutions Midtown HR can offer to your company

Professional employer organizations work with an employment relationship with the employer by leasing employees to companies, so it allows the PEO to share and manage many employee related responsibilities and important liabilities. In that way employers outsource their main human resource activities, such as employee benefits, workers compensation, payroll and employment taxes, among others.   […]

7 de November, 2021
HR compliance: 4 facts companies should know

HR compliance: 4 facts companies should know

HR professionals handle different issues every day, and they know there are a couple of rules we can break in life or within the company, but when it comes to HR compliance related situations you need to be sharp and follow the regulations to stay compliant, there are no rules to avoid. There are different […]

2 de November, 2021
What are the main differences between a staffing company and a PEO?

What are the main differences between a staffing company and a PEO?

Business owners understand that when one organization grows the workforce starts growing as well, so the expansion is necessary and there are several partnership alternatives to take into consideration in order to manage HR-related responsibilities and different tasks.    People usually get confused when it comes to differentiate PEO services with a staffing company. Actually, […]

29 de October, 2021
Check out this practices to avoid non compliant in your company

Check out this practices to avoid non compliant in your company

Compliance is an area that has its origin in the core functions of human resources and today it continues being a key area, because there are different regulations and laws that cover the employment relationship.    Human resources managers and related professionals should understand every law in order to help their organizations stay far away […]

27 de October, 2021
What is the future of work?: tips to prepare your workforce

What is the future of work?: tips to prepare your workforce

Asking where people should work in the future might not be the right question, the question should be: what’s the option that enables people to have better health and productivity? If we articulate a good answer for that maybe it would make us understand what is the future of work.   It’s a question many […]

20 de October, 2021
What are human resources solutions for companies? and what do they need in 2022

What are human resources solutions for companies? and what do they need in 2022

If you ask yourself what are human resources solutions you should know this is an umbrella term that refers to different activities and technology businesses use to manage their people. On the other hand, it can include a large set of features and functions for employee management and reporting.   In addition to providing options […]

11 de October, 2021
Jobs with flexible schedules: Should I offer this option to my team?

Jobs with flexible schedules: Should I offer this option to my team?

Flexible hours and jobs with flexible schedules it’s not something uncommon anymore, today a lot of traditional employers are offering these alternatives to collaborators. As an employer, we know you might not completely be sure about offering that kind of alternatives to your workers.   One thing we need to understand is that employees and […]

8 de October, 2021
Teamwork skills: how to practice it with your employees?

Teamwork skills: how to practice it with your employees?

Teamwork skills are essential if you want to get great results with colleagues. Several times in your life you´ll probably be working with other people in different areas, sometimes in school, at the university and of course at your Job. Truth is the better you connect with others while doing tasks the more successful your […]

2 de October, 2021
Check out this 5 ways to encourage employee productivity

Check out this 5 ways to encourage employee productivity

Every company wants to get the most out of their employees but also want to keep them happy in order to accomplish great results, and the truth is that since the world is changing a lot the way we work, organizations are evaluating ways to encourage and really motivate their workforce. Some business owners incentivize […]

30 de September, 2021
4 advantages and disadvantages of hybrid workplace

4 advantages and disadvantages of hybrid workplace

Hybrid workplace is a huge change compared to the traditional work model we all know. It has a lot of variations and some companies might allow their people to work remotely and in their positions within the physical offices, using different schedules during the week. Other businesses might have employees working either full-time remote or […]

27 de September, 2021
Does a PEO help with the HR Payroll company strategy?

Does a PEO help with the HR Payroll company strategy?

The term payroll has been used in different ways, sometimes it refers to the money that is paid to employees who receive a salary for the work they do and It can also refer to the department that manages payroll or the software that is used to process all activities related to this area, the […]

24 de September, 2021
Which are the most helpful health benefits employees need?

Which are the most helpful health benefits employees need?

According to different studies, salaries are not the main thing people take into account when they are making decisions to get a new job, you´re probably thinking the most important offer is the amount of money per month employees will pay but this is not the case all the time.   There’s a huge percentage […]

11 de September, 2021
How to choose the right (PEO) professional employer organization?

How to choose the right (PEO) professional employer organization?

Choosing the right PEO (professional employer organization) could be something not easy for some companies, so before making your decision you can check out a couple of pieces of advice we organize in this article.   First thing you need to learn is what features to look for when choosing a PEO. A professional employer […]

7 de September, 2021
What is the form W4 and why did it change?

What is the form W4 and why did it change?

The employee’s withholding certificate or form W4 is one of the documents you need to complete once you get a new job. Employers will ask new collaborators to fill out this form in order to determine the amount of taxes that are withheld with every paycheck in the future.   After filling out this paper […]

3 de September, 2021
How do tax deductions work? How do PEOs help with it?

How do tax deductions work? How do PEOs help with it?

How do tax deductions work? Let’s start this article with the definition of tax deduction. In simple words we can say deduction of taxes reduces the amount of money you pay for taxes, and when we talk about deduction it’s just about a subtraction, which means the company is subtracting the amount  of your salary that’s taxable. 

30 de August, 2021
How does health insurance work with a PEO?

How does health insurance work with a PEO?

There´s no doubt an essential requirement in these times is health insurance, because it basically works by protecting people’s assets from some high costs of medical care. Business owners know their companies should provide good coverage associated with this subject. It’s actually considered the second largest expense for companies, after the salaries.   Managing health […]

27 de August, 2021
HR compliance: What are the important things owners need to know?

HR compliance: What are the important things owners need to know?

Different business owners agree HR compliance is really important for companies of different sizes. There’s something we need to understand when it comes to a PEO that gives support to companies, and the thing is they are not a replacement for HR departments, they´re actually an extension.   Compliance is a broad term, but it […]

24 de August, 2021
Employee onboarding: 4 perks to help increase retention

Employee onboarding: 4 perks to help increase retention

Today everyone has more control over their careers than ever. In the process of employee onboarding people can decide whether to stay in the company or not based on different factors, among them we have the benefits and perks, so companies of different sizes have been changing their compensation plans to ensure employee retention.   […]

17 de August, 2021
How to help your team improve their remote work practices?

How to help your team improve their remote work practices?

We all know that in the last two years a lot of workplaces had to adjust to keep employees safe and follow various health and safety measures. The biggest adjustment is probably the remote work. This type of workers and also employers working from home are increasing.   Today both employers and employees know how […]

10 de August, 2021
PEO international trends to pay attention in 2021

PEO international trends to pay attention in 2021

Everyone knows the last two years have changed different companies and industries, professional employment organizations are not the exception. Despite the hard days we´ve been living in the pandemic, PEOs everywhere have still been able to add real value to their clients by helping them find solutions to Human Resource (HR) related challenges. Let’s take […]

4 de August, 2021
Classify your employees: the difference between full time and part time

Classify your employees: the difference between full time and part time

It’s normal for small and medium companies to struggle when it comes to hiring full time and part time employees. Truth is that some companies need more part time workers and others need more full time collaborators, sometimes a mix of both.   You need to know that commonly the number of hours worked per […]

31 de July, 2021
4 tips for effective human resource management

4 tips for effective human resource management

After everything that happened in 2020 with the start of the global Covid-19 pandemic affecting companies of different levels, we can ask ourselves: how can we lead Human resource management and functions in the next years to come? and the answer definitely should consider the development of a digital transformation strategy but, more importantly, extends […]

28 de July, 2021
5 employee benefits that will make the workforce love your company

5 employee benefits that will make the workforce love your company

Nowadays the companies agree that if you want to keep your talent happy and really engage there´s more than just salaries. People are your most valuable asset, and to come up with great non monetary benefits for your employees is something that would determine if they’re going to stay for a while.   About employee […]

25 de July, 2021
Payroll taxes: 4 basic things you need to understand

Payroll taxes: 4 basic things you need to understand

In simple and brief words payroll taxes are those that employees and employers must pay based on wages and salaries paid to employees. The employee pays part of these taxes through a payroll deduction, and the employer pays the rest.    Basically these taxes are used to finance social insurance programs like medicare and social […]

21 de July, 2021
What are the best PEO company services in 2021?

What are the best PEO company services in 2021?

One of the best things about PEO companies is that they allow you to choose from full service selection or a specific custom pack for your business. The chance to adjust services to the needs of your organization makes them ideal and unique.   PEOs are an excellent option for organizations that aim to deliver […]

17 de July, 2021
What is a professional employer organization (PEO) and how does it help my company?

What is a professional employer organization (PEO) and how does it help my company?

Let’s start this article defining what´s a PEO. A professional employer organization (PEO) is a type of full – service human resource outsourcing company that performs different employee administration tasks, among them we can find services such as employee benefits, payroll, worker compensation and others. Some PEOs have strategic services as well, so it’s important […]

15 de July, 2021
Advantages of a PEO for the Small and Mid-sized Business

Advantages of a PEO for the Small and Mid-sized Business

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

26 de March, 2020
Onboarding Process and Compliance

Onboarding Process and Compliance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

26 de March, 2020