What does human resources do for companies? What are its key responsibilities?

What does human resources do for companies? What are its key responsibilities?

24 de February, 2022

Not everyone in the organization understands the importance of Human Resources (HR), and it might be confusing for workers sometimes. So what does HR do? There is a big difference between a good HR department that contributes to the growth of the organization and a distant HR department which exists somewhere near the basement archives and which only appears once a year for the organization´s holiday party. 


Basically, the HR department is a group of workers responsible for managing the employee life cycle (recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training, and firing employees). It works on administering employee compensations and benefits too.


What does Human Resources do for companies? What are its key responsibilities?



 Attracting prospective new workers to open positions.



Finding and hiring the right people for the job after checking out every profile detail.


Evaluating employee performance

Assessing people’s skills, achievements, and growth within the team and the organization.


Revising payroll processes

The process where employees receive their salary and everything related to payday needs. It also includes a number of calculations, taxes, hours worked, workers compensation and reimbursement of expenses.


Providing learning & Development opportunities

Offering options to improve skills in individuals and everything related to personal development and other alternatives.


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Defining disciplinary aspects

Disciplinary matters, grievance, harassment and bullying are some areas that need to be addressed.


Maintaining records and protecting data


Maintaining HR records such as personal staff records, accident books, accident reports, account records, health and safety training, tax records, retirement benefits, maternity benefits, annual holidays is a legal requirement.

This further includes maintaining and protecting personal data such as hours worked, absences, pay details, overtime, personal details and emergency contacts.


Updating HR Policies


HR manages official policies, updates and other changes in a registered document. This document offers guidance on how issues should be handled with a detailed description of principles, legal rights and responsibilities of owners, managers and employees. Documenting policies and procedures give consistency and ensure every process is treated the right way.


Midtown HR is the company behind a hundred happy companies. We are focused on providing simple solutions for payroll and taxes, proposing benefits that really feel like benefits, keeping up with employment law and also helping protect your team.  Let ‘s talk!