The Company Behind
Hundreds of Happy Companies

We Are MidtownHR

We are a Professional Employer Organization (P.E.O.) that offers small and medium-sized businesses a full suite of solutions for their human resource needs.

From payroll to benefits, HR, retirement, risk compliance and beyond, we offer comprehensive services designed to help you grow and protect your business. When you join MidtownHR, your business instantly enjoys the same options and pricing power of a large corporation.

Are you ready to see what we can do for you?

A New Business Model

As we kick off a new decade, we can look back and see just how much the business landscape has changed in the last 20 years. We’re a nation driven by small- and medium-sized businesses. In fact, about half of all employers in the U.S. have fewer than 500 employees.

For millions of employers, using a P.E.O. just makes sense. In fact, one study showed how small businesses that use a P.E.O. grow 7 to 9% faster, have 10 to 14% lower employee turnover, and are 50 percent less likely to go out of business.

Midtown is On a Mission

MidtownHR is on a mission to create a world of optimistic entrepreneurs. How? By taking on the admin tasks, legal risks, and financial exposure of small and mid-sized companies. Imagine a partner that handles payroll, benefits, risk management and other admin, saving you time and money and allowing you to focus on growing your business. This is exactly who we are.

Values into Action

Think like an owner

Our people take initiative and own the challenges of the company

Work like a creator

We have the power and freedom to build our own work environment.

Go the
extra mile

We don’t just deliver on promises. We exceed customers’ expectations.

Do the
right thing

It’s not enough to just do what’s convenient. We must do what is right.

Quick Industry Insights

The P.E.O. model is growing every year. In fact, a recent survey showed that 96.5% of our clients were very satisfied with our services. Here are some more insights into the power of our industry:

More than 175,000 small and medium-sized businesses trust P.E.O. company’s to deliver benefits and more to their 3.7 million employees.

The P.E.O. industry has more worksite employees than Amazon, IBM, FedEx, Starbucks, AT&T, Wells Fargo, Apple & Google – combined.

Worksite employees covered by a P.E.O. grew by 8.3% annually from 2008-17, beating overall employment growth by 14x.

MidtownHR Client Survey Insights

We earned a score of


for Client Services.

Clients scored us


for Accuracy of Information.

Clients gave us a


for our Benefit Offerings.

With a P.E.O.

  • Grow 7-9% faster
  • 10-14% lower turnover
  • 50% less likely to fold

A Deeper Look at Our Company

MidtownHR prides itself on exceeding your expectations at every turn. But don’t take our word for it. We conducted an objective and in-depth customer survey, and the results speak for themselves. Clients gave us nearly perfect scores across the board for everything from accurate and easy-to-access information to fast communication and overall quality. They were also extremely satisfied with the benefits we offer.